Saturday, April 2, 2011

Butterfly in the Dream

Exhausted physically and mentally with the day's activity I sought refuge in Jon Steward's comedy  with As usual, Jon was going on with his art of politician-bashing and others;- it wasn't just American this time- Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was getting some nasty bashings too. But before too long into the show, perhaps it was the magic spell of the day's exhaustion, I turned into a butterfly and off I fluttered in the realm of phantasm. 

Guess what? The world there belonged to none. There were  no boundaries and no continents. There were no regions and no countries. There were no cultures and no classes. There were no religion and no races. There were no wars and no fighting. There wasn't  even anything such as yours or mine. 

Butterflies are known for their beauty but beauty wasn't the charm there. As oblivious as I was with my pigmentation I was inconspicuous too. All that mattered for that brief moment was the sigh of relief.  Relieve from the everyday and mundane life of human being. But as much as I wanted to prolong being that butterfly, I guess, my roommate wanted to sleep- he woke me up to let me know that my comedy show with Jon Steward is still on and that it is keeping him away from kicking to slumber.

Good night and try being a butterfly in the dream. 

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